Met Eliz around 1pm at breadtalk today. We wanted to find clothes for our dance competition. Went to CK after lunch at the foodcourt. Found the pants we were looking for. However, all the sizes were way too big for us. Eliz tried size 28(smallest) and I tried 29(second smallest). Hahax.. I don't even need to unzip to wear the pants. Left the shop empty-handed in the end. Spent the rest of the afternoon 'doing' homework at Eliz's house.(more of playing actually). Left at 6pm and managed to reached my house within 20 mins. Seems like walking is faster... Now watching vedios on youtube while chatting on MSN:)
8:43:00 PM
Friday, February 02, 2007
Had my first Healthy lifestyle session for the year. It was kinda boring actually, got bruises on my knee because of it too. Had Physics after that, followed by Biology. Had English next where we were taught about Comprehesion skills and tips. Learned another word for Elephant.It was something like Potoplast or whatever..something like that. Anyway, went for a fringe-cut after school with Mindy and Farhanah. I look seriously ridiculous now:(
9:38:00 PM
La Femme-ME!!!
Name - Amanda (Manda for short)
Age - 16
Birthday - 5 May 1992
Modern Dancer
Email -
Vampire Knight
Kwon BoA <3
Pink,Yellow,White and Blue
My Modern Dance juniors and fellow Modern Dancers
My Lao Po=D Farhannah=DD